Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Reader Mail

Steve Bracks is one of the best premiers this State has ever had. He is a far better leader, and it much more intelligent than Robert Doyle and the opposition. Is this state is so much turmoil that you would slam Steve Bracks all day? We have just had a hugely successful commonwealth games, which will boost Victoria's tourism, therefor bringing in money to our community. Because of Steve Bracks and what the state govenment has done, our capital Melbourne was voted the worlds most livable city. He must be doing a terrible job...

Submitted by author@deakin.edu.au 27 Mar 2006 16:49

We take all submissions to Brackswatch seriously, but this one was a little overdone. The very point of Brackwatch is: WE DON'T LIKE BRACKS. Let's expand a little:

one of the best premiers this State has ever had
: Is he really? Once you take out Kennett, Bolte and Hammer he might be still be surpassed by the likes of Cain and Kirner. Let's not confuse incumbance with greatness.

more intelligent than Robert Doyle and the opposition: Bracks may be politically savvy (remember the Teflon Premier?) but that doesn't make him intelligent. See all stories on Brackswatch for more. Nor do I think that Bracks is more intelligent than the entire Liberal party room. Bracks has people to help him too.

Is this state is so much turmoil that you would slam Steve Bracks all day? I can answer that one easily. You need only scrawl through the pages of this site, and other sources of news to see that there are problems with Bracks. Hence Brackswatch. Gentle Deakinite, you may be happy to go with the flow and agree with everything Bracks does. We don't. As for all day, I don't spend my day running this website, it is a collective effort. Even between us, we don't go all day.

hugely successful commonwealth games: Bracks was elected in 1999, three years after the 2006 bid was made by the immediate past premier (IPP). Said IPP was always big on major events such as the Grand Prix, the (sadly departed) Heineken Classic, International Cycling, Gymnastics, Fashion, Swimming the list goes on. This reputation was created by the IPP, and the PP (Present Premier) has ridden on the coattails of greatness.

boost Victoria's tourism, therefor bringing in money to our community. There are no guarantees when it comes to money coming into our community. Many country people would argue they've been given short shrift by Bracks for not getting their fair share. Country Victoria is still part of his electorate and our "community", lest Bracks forget. Building activity in Victoria also faces a slump, in spite of the games.

our capital Melbourne was voted the worlds most livable city: Unfortunately no longer, Vancouver is the most liveable city. Melbourne is still one of the most liveable.

He must be doing a terrible job...YES!

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