Thursday, March 10, 2005

Bracks’ weak Cabinet re-shuffle

Premier Bracks demonstrated his leadership weakness in the January re-shuffle of the Victorian Cabinet by failing to remove under-performing Ministers.

The Premier’s media release announcing the Cabinet re-shuffle stated in part:

"There are others who need to diversify their skills who will welcome a challenge in other portfolios."

"Andre Haermeyer will move to the economic portfolios of Manufacturing and Export, Small Business and Financial Services."

Mary Delahunty will retain her portfolio responsibilities of Arts and Womens Affairs.
The Premier apparently believes that Minister Haermeyer needs to diversify his skills and would welcome a challenge in another portfolio. Key economic portfolio responsibilities have therefore been awarded to a failed Minister as part of Premier Bracks’ skills diversity program. Minister Delahunty has had her important Planning responsibilities stripped from her but retains her place in Cabinet with very light Ministerial duties.

The Bracks Cabinet re-shuffle is indicative of either a Premier who is unable to make tough decisions that might offend Labor’s factional interests or of a Parliamentary Party that is bereft of potential Ministerial talent.


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