Saturday, March 05, 2005

Building Approvals Fall Under Bracks' Melbourne 2030 Plan

Bracks' Melbourne 2030 plan has always been riddled with contradictions. On one hand, it envisions another million Melburnians yet on the other hand bows to environmentalists in implementing a rigid urban growth boundary.

Given the clear preference by most Melbournians for suburban life, Bracks' intention of getting local councils to allow high density development was bound for failure. What councillor in their right mind will approve a highly inappropriate and unpopular apartment development in the middle of their community? At the same time though, with the urban growth boundary now set in stone, councils can't approve the greenfield alternatives that allow for future growth without destroying the suburbs residents already enjoy. Newly released figures from the ABS highlight the consequential fifteen month slump in building approvals as a result of Bracks' ineptitude:

The trend estimate for total dwelling units in Victoria is showing a decline over the past fifteen months. The trend for private sector houses shows a decline over the past seventeen months - ABS

By contrast, the same ABS report shows rising approvals in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia.


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